I remember so clearly. It was over three years ago now, just as I was really beginning to create an international business. It was almost a casual decision: “Oh! Let’s meet every morning at 9 am and pull energy together.”
So for at least 18 months, my hosts in different places and I met online and did an energy pull together. And guess what? This is when my business started to really take off. At a certain point, I began to be too busy to do the pulls, we said we would do them once a twice a week, it didn’t really have the same momentum. Until the beginning of this year - when I have started meeting with everyone creating with me every morning - and yes, it is creating magic in my business and in my life again - everything speeding up with my business, more people coming to classes, more money coming in, and more enjoyment somehow. So what exactly is an energy pull?
Hello I’m Fiona and I’m magic! Here’s the story of my remembering and acknowledging that I’m magic. I’ve been in Mexico for the past few weeks as many of you know and now I’m in the United States. Before all this, I was thinking about where I’d like to spend the winter and for no apparent reason apart from the obvious - it’s sunny and yummy, it’s delicious and it’s beautiful - Mexico popped.
I managed to fly to Mexico literally two days before the UK shut down completely. Once I booked my flight to Mexico, I found out a really super, exciting thing. If I were in Mexico for two weeks, I’d be able to fly to the United States, to Houston, to do my favourite class in the entire Access Consciousness year, the Maestro class. Hello again from Mexico! I’m going to jump right in and talk with you about jet lag and my brilliant Healy. It’s a little bio-resonance tool and I want to talk to about this amazing thing that’s happened using this little machine (I’ll talk about what Healy actually is and how it works in my future videos and blog posts). As some of you know, I arrived in Mexico City on Monday to not only high altitude, a six-hour time difference as well. In the past I’ve had days and days of real struggles with awful jet lag yuck until my body got into the new time zone. Without much preparation, I jetted off. I certainly hadn’t given any thought to time differences. On my first night, after a walk, I went to bed at 10 and slept til 6 and thought ok it’s early for me to wake up but not too bad. Maybe jet lag won’t be an issue. Hola!
Yes, I am amazingly in Mexico!!!!! How does it get better than this? That I am actually here could be called "lucky", a "miracle" or "jammy" as a friend of mine called me on social media! I arrived a couple of days before the UK declared that nobody could travel for a few weeks. And I have to acknowledge that I was aware of something. Aware of the need to move quickly. Aware actually, that however much I may love facilitating live classes, as I did from August to October this year, now is not the time to be doing that in Europe. Are you being stupid with something in your life?
Well, my name is Fiona and I am stupid with money! LOL This has been my judgement of me = and of course it was a total secret, not something I would shout out over Facebook, send to my mailing list or do a blog post about!!! LOL And as I was judging me and worrying about it, and worrying what people would think about my stupidity, I get I was creating it - universe could just hear stupidity money, money stupidity, stupidity money, money stupidity ......... ![]() It's now nearly exactly six years since I found out about Access Consciousness and attended my first Access Bars class. And six years later, here we are at the train station in Manchester Piccadilly running Bars on strangers!!! I loved Bars from the very beginning - even before I received the Bars, I somehow knew there was something special about it, something that would totally change me and my life. That's how it has been - over the last six years, everything in my life has changed, expanded, grown, and I get happier and happier and happier - and I see that with countless friends and people who come for sessions and classes! I am sitting and catching up on some emails and this newsletter after being at the amazing Symphony of Possibilities class in New Delhi, India.
This class was awesome - I feel so light, expansive, spacious, and I spent a lot of the class laughing. It really seems as though a lot of the things that used to be so powerful in stopping us from creating our own reality are no longer relevant - I find myself stopping me less and less. And I would like to share something else I noticed - when i came to India three and a half years ago, I stayed in a dodgy hotel in a dodgy part of town, and didn't really enjoy it. At the time, I didn't think it was possible for me, or worth it for me, to stay in a better place. A few days ago I heard something that completely rocked my world, and continues to.
We have pretty much all heard of "ask and you shall receive" and probably had experiences of when that showed up instantaneously. Thank you universe - we love that!!! MORE of that please!!! What is it, that makes you feel light?
Did you know that what makes you feel light is great for you? Earlier this year I had a really strong pull to train in something that I didn't really know very much about. In the past I would have gone to all the reasons of why I shouldn't be doing the class and worried about any judgements people would have of me. I had recently something come up for me around stupidity.
I realised that I was stopping my success by worrying about whether people would think I was stupid - particularly about money and investing money in my business. Have you been told you are stupid and then made it a wrongness in your world to such a point that you have to prove beyond a doubt that you are not stupid. Yet, in doing so stop your self from making choices that would create the life you truly could create? |
Meet Fiona..Are you fed up with an “ordinary” life? Maybe you're stressed out, struggling with low mood, or physical illness? Maybe there's a particular area of your life you would like to change? Archives
February 2022
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