I was talking to my Dad, telling him I was going to be writing a book about my journey from fatigue to the full, exciting life I now have.
And he said - yes, you changed your diet didn't you? and then you exercised........and that will be helpful for people to hear. Then when I mentioned the "healing" word and the "energy" word..
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This is the second account of an Abuse Hold session - this one is with a young man who had been verbally abused, and hit as a child.
This session was much quieter. There were short periods of catharsis or release – and mainly this lovely man was just allowing his body to receive nurturing, loving energy that it had maybe never been able to let in before. There was a deep peace and relaxation at the end of the session. Towards the end of 2017, I made a choice. I could see that certain aspects of my life weren’t working for me. I would have amazing, creative times where I would facilitate classes, travel to great places, and hang out with gorgeous people, who really have my back.
And then, I would have times with not much going on, where I would notice I would start to slip into doubt and self-sabotage. So, my choice was to turn ME up, and to deliberately increase the number of things in my life that make me feel alive, happy, vital and JOYful………………and 2018 is already the most exciting, vibrant, joyful time of my life, where I am feeling the most happy, the most alive and the most fulfilled ever………………and I know MORE is coming!!! If you’re a therapist or a coach, I have some good news for you!!!
Maybe, like me, you love what you're doing – and are looking for something that can enhance and complement that? Or maybe you are a bit frustrated, and know that there must be something quicker, easier and faster? For me, both of these were true when I first encountered the tools of Access Consciousness now four and a half years ago. Access Consciousness has been a powerful tool on my own healing journey, one which allowed me to see for the very first time that I really could “have it all.” My life is becoming unrecognisable. Actually, I am unrecognisable compared to who I was, and from that unrecognisable space, I am creating an unrecognisable life.
LOL. I hope that makes sense! In the first couple of months of 2018, I am travelling to eight different countries (some of them twice!) to facilitate Access Consciousness and Right Voice for You classes and attend classes. All kinds of projects and initiatives are opening up – radio shows, talks, being published in an alternative magazines………………..in Norwegian, which I find particularly fun. And my personal life is changing in a good way too!!! The second part of the Abuse Hold is to physically receive the abuse hold.
Read about the first part HERE This is quite simply to be held with kindness, allowance and presence.............................and when the body feels this, it is able to release the trauma and abuse from the very cells where it has been locked in................... To give you a bit more information - two "snap shots" of recent sessions with two people... I was in Copenhagen, now nearly two years ago, for the first class where Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, taught the Abuse Hold.
I still remember walking out of that class at night into the beautiful city of Copenhagen, and feeling different.....................like there was a space and an ease in my body that I hadn't experienced before......................that I was able to receive from everything around me in a way that somehow hadn't been possible up until then... What if it were possible to change things with our body, that we are generally told it's impossible to change?
What if there's a different way of viewing the body, that isn't to do with “symptoms” and “problems” and fighting the body – and is more to do with communion and possibilities? What if there is a level of deliciousness and delight that it is possible to feel, no matter what your current state of health? For me, Access Consciousness Bars, Access Consciousness Body processes, Energy Healing, and Reiki have been amazing at getting me from debilitating fatigue (to the point I could scarcely leave the house) to a level of vitality I haven't experienced since my twenties, and a level of enjoyment of and connection with my body I have never had before. Would you like some of that? Why is that the stupid people on the planet, the Trumps, the Putins, never seem to struggle to say what they want to say?
Right Voice for You is a class that allows you to find ease with expressing whatever you know you would love to share with the world. |
Meet Fiona..Are you fed up with an “ordinary” life? Maybe you're stressed out, struggling with low mood, or physical illness? Maybe there's a particular area of your life you would like to change? Archives
February 2022
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