After a successful international career in finance, as an accountant in the corporate world and the charity world, I realised I needed to do something completely different.
To be honest, at first it was forced on me - and now, years later, I am massively grateful.
A few weeks after my fortieth birthday, seemingly from one day to the next, I became ill with what at first appeared to be a cold. Except it didn’t leave, even after a week, two weeks, a month. And I found myself diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the message from my Doctor that it was fortunate that I liked alternative therapies, as there wasn’t much that conventional medicine could do for me.
Yes, this debilitating, cruel illness is considered incurable in the “mainstream.”
For the first agonising years of this illness, where I was mainly confined to my house, I sought different remedies and therapies, got briefly excited, and found that they did not give me the “cure” I was looking for.
It all changed when I was given the name of a healer. As soon as I met this amazing woman, I knew that not only would I recover from chronic fatigue syndrome, that I would use healing to help other people. This was before I had any real understanding of what healing was.
Within a few months, I was signed up to a comprehensive, three year intensive training in Energy Healing. We looked at all aspects of living, to release where we were stuck, and to invite in something greater.
Over those three years, I became more and more well, and began to enjoy things in life that I had never chosen before - singing and dancing, really connecting with nature, being in my body in a way I had not had since a little girl.. This had been part of what had got me ill - I was stuck in my head balancing spreadsheets, and had forgotten about my poor body!
I quickly established a healing practice in Yorkshire, where I was living. I loved it, it was beyond what I had dreamed could be possible in my life. And yet, equally quickly I became bored!
Bored? When I had just reclaimed my life. Yes, it happened that quickly!
This is when I found Access Consciousness.
Access Consciousness is a set of tools and techniques that allows you to create greater in your life, And what does that actually mean? That you get happier, and that all areas of your life start to become easier and way more enjoyable. That you thrive rather than just survive, you step away from just doing and become a fully embodied human being. Then, as more of us choose that, the world changes too, and the world becomes a more enjoyable, more nurturing place to live in.
I sensed a different possibility with Access Consciousness from the very beginning. I now see that is an ever expanding set of possibilities, that continually demands that I be more, and as I become that more, my life expands and grows.
I chose to participate in many Access Consciousness classes, including advanced classes, very quickly, and have been facilitating these classes myself for the last six years.
Nowadays, I have an expanding, international business, where I offer classes and sessions in person and online in different parts of the world.
They are based on the tools of Access Consciousness, and also of course include the many other things I have learned along the way, including my training in sexological bodywork, and my love of singing, dance and movement.
I now specialise in classes to do with the voice and confidence, sex and intimacy, money and business, as well as the core classes of Access Consciousness that allow you to move away from stress and create the life you would love to be living.
If you resonate with any of this, if you would like to know more, please schedule a no obligations chat with me.