Here are some of the more common ones:
And what happens during an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner Class?
We begin with an introduction to Access Bars from Gary Douglas, the founder, and Dain Heer, his business partner – they talk to us about the bars and Access Consciousness via an informative and entertaining video.
You will receive instruction in how to run the bars – and will give 2 bars sessions, and receive 2 bars sessions. You will also receive an introduction to Access Consciousness, and some verbal processes that you can use yourself right away. |
And what does this all mean in practice?
Well, for me, taking this class led me to be free of a lot of limiting beliefs.... things that I didn't even know were limiting me, as well as those that I'd had a sense of for some time.
So much of what I heard in Foundation was like an “oh yes – I always knew something else was possible” and what is amazing is you get lots of practical tools that you can use yourself to continue unlocking where you are stuck long after the class is over. You also learn a powerful hands on process – which can lead to your cells returning to how they were supposed to function – before the accidents / traumatic events changed things..... You can read more about Foundation here |
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